Maybe you call it a gut feeling, or instinct. Whatever you call it, those knee-jerk responses you have are calling out to you. Your intuition is a powerful tool to use in creating a life of design. So how do you start to use it?
1. You’ve ever said “Why does everything happen to me?”
When we spend our life in reactive mode, it can sometimes feel like everything’s happening to you. When you begin to trust yourself, you are able to look at situations and say, “Hmm… there’s a pattern here.” Once that happens, you start to look for the reasons for the pattern, and that awareness brings about change.
2. The most unlikely experiences happen in your life
You think of someone, and then your phone beeps and it’s that person calling or texting you. Something happens as you’re trying to leave the house and you wind up being a minute behind schedule, and you realize in that minute you missed being in an accident. These moments happen to us when we are ready to accept that there is someone looking out for us – a higher consciousness who has our best interests at heart. If you’d like to start having more of these moments in your life, throw your hands in the air and say, “Ok – show me the way!” Then accept the moments as they come to you, and say thank you so you can have more of these synchronistic moments.
3. You feel like you keep doing the same thing, over and over again
If you feel like you’re stuck in a rut, you probably are. We all create patterns that support our behaviours. The trick here is, if you want something different, you have to do something different. When you find yourself in the same situation – maybe it’s ending your day on the couch watching mindless television – make a choice to do something else. Crack open a book, pull out your yoga mat or put your shoes on and take a quick brisk little walk around the block. Anytime you change your behaviours, your pattern must change as well.
4. You are sceptical of everything and everyone
Have you ever said, “If you want something done right then you should do it yourself”? This is a trick of the ego to get you to ignore the people in your life who are there to help you. Of course everyone is out to live their best life, and most times this can only happen through helping others to live their best life. So let yourself be helped – there are people around you who offer this to. Now is the time to take them up on it.
5. You ever feel like you’ve been forgotten in your life
When you allow yourself to be helped, this creates a sense of connection, that someone else wants to take care of you. When you allow these moments to happen you are honouring that inner voice that guides you as often as you let it. To create more of this, say thank you to the Universe and to the person to took care of that task for you.
6. You are constantly second guessing yourself / indecisive
When you are connected to your intuition, you are able to make the right decisions consistently and quickly! This is because you begin to trust yourself, following the little voice inside that always guides you to the right choice. One way to start engaging with your intuition is, when you’re asked a yes or no question, if you have to think about your answer, then stop thinking and just say YES.
7. You describe yourself as reckless or insecure
In the past, you have behaved recklessly and now you don’t trust yourself to make decisions. This creates an inability to make decisions. The very best way to change this aspect of yourself is to start using three little words when you describe yourself: “In the past, I have been a little reckless.” Those three little words – in the past – signal the Universe to understand that you are ready and open to change.
8. You feel isolated
Have you ever been in a room full of people – sometimes even people you know and love – and you feel all alone? No one is able to connect with you when you aren’t connected to yourself, and this creates feelings of isolation. If you experience this, put your hands in the centre of your chest, over your heart chakra. Take in 2 deep breaths, and when you exhale the second time close your eyes and imagine there is warm, green light coming off of your hands, and filling up the space around you. This will warm you up, and make you smile a little, which always makes us a little happier.
If you can relate to 3 or more of these signs, perhaps it’s time that you take a closer look at yourself and Ignite Your Intuition. There’s more to you – and your life – than you think.