I’m excited to have you join us for this pop-up event! While what the planet is undergoing can be highly stressful for us, I firmly believe that this is an exciting and fascinating time to be alive.
We are going to look back in 10 years time and say, “Oh, I remember when!”
I’m looking forward to easing your burdens as we continue our transition to our next best evolution.
This pop-up Group BEAM session isĀ taking place in a webinar format, using the Zoom platform.
Join the meeting onĀ Aug 15, 2018 10:00 AM EST (find your time here) from PC, Mac, Linux, iOS or Android by clicking: https://zoom.us/j/2883202858
If you can’t make the event like, you will be welcome to watch the playback here once the event is complete. The playback will be available for you for one week.
Welcome to your playback! Please do follow the instructions as you watch, engaging in the process will deepen the release work for you. Enjoy!