The In the Past Community is a monthly membership where we will work with In the Past exactly as it’s outlined in the “how to” section of the book and affirmation cards. We will spend a month working on each theme, examining and learning about each affirmation and really absorbing the words. This is how In the Past can change your life.

Here’s what you can expect:

  • teachings on the affirmations that explain what they are doing
  • one live energy clearing each month
  • meditation that’s directly related to the theme, deepening your ability to shift forward

And more! The community has been growing over the past few months and it’s become more than I could have imagined. Check out what participants are saying about it!

The online support from Michelle and the group, as well as the affirmations and meditations, really work together to help me feel more grounded and healed than ever before.

Karen M

I have caught myself every day in moments where I am about to repeat an old pattern of behaviour that doesn’t serve me except to keep me in my comfort zone, and I’ve remembered this affirmation to challenge myself to rise above it. It is helping me to be more aware.

Stacey H

Lady, THIS is why I’ve directed dozens of people to you this week. You’re amazing.

Amy H

And it’s only $35 a month! You just gotta join me.

As humans, we have this tendency—I would almost call it a compulsion—to speak in absolute terms. We say things like “I will never do that.” Or worse, “They are never going to change.” The problem with this tendency is that by saying these things, we constantly re-create what we’ve experienced. When we say things like “I know myself and there is no way that’s happening,” we bring the past into the present. When you feel like you’re stuck and repeating patterns—when you’re saying things like “Ugh! How did I get here again?”—it’s because you are speaking in absolute terms.

The language of absolutes leaves no space for change. We cut ourselves off from the learning and growth that we are here to experience.

This membership program changes all of this. Join me, Love. You’ll uncover your potential and step into your greatness!


Three videos a week, discussing each affirmation in detail. I’ll teach you about why they’re phrased as they are and what they’re doing for you so that you can really allow the wisdom to seep into your bones.


I’ve written guided meditations to help work on the subconscious level to root out your programs that are holding you back. The affirmations work with your conscious self reframing your programs, and the meditation digs deep into your cellular memory.

Energy Clearings

What you think about creates patterns in your energy field, and so when you start to change your behaviour those patterns make you feel uncomfortable, like you’re doing something wrong. In these energy clearing sessions, I undo all of those patterns, supporting you to make lasting, meaningful changes.

Come with me on this discovery of what’s holding you back, so that the life you’ve been dreaming of — the life that’s waiting for you, right at your fingertips — can become your reality.