Something that comes up a lot in all of my conversations is the idea of free will. It comes up so often because it really is the currency of the Universe, and intrinsically tied to our life plans, to our karma. Let me explain a little.

Before you came into this life, you looked at your akashic records and noted what karmic debts and credits you have that you wanted to bring to balance in this life. You chose your things and this is what becomes your fate. These things you selected become your life plan, and some of these will include soul contracts as your karma dictates. So: you come to this life with a preordained destiny that’s been set out by you. And while you’re here, you exercise your free will to make the best of the life you’ve designed and balance out as much of your karma as you can.

The key thing to note here is that this is true for everyone, not just you. Everyone is living the plan they created for themselves, using their free will to the best of their ability. We get into trouble, though, when we feel like we know better than others — when we think we can see what’s coming, and they cannot. Sometimes we say those around us are too young, too naive, too innocent to know what we know. Often when this happens, we step in and impose our free will on them.

What we don’t realize in that moment is that by interrupting their path, we make it necessary for that person to set up the conditions perfectly again so they can accomplish what it is that they have set out to do.

Let me give you an example. You’re looking after a child, and the child is doing something you consider potentially dangerous, like climbing a tree. You interrupt the child saying, “Wow – you’re really high up! Come on down from there, you could get hurt!” And so the child comes down. This is where things start to get a little funny for me. If the child has it in their plan to fall from a tree, they will go back to the tree as many times as it takes for them to accomplish this goal. And then, when they are successful at that, we take the credit! “You see? I told you that you’d hurt yourself!!”

We got in their way of accomplishing their task, making them have to do it again — and we want credit for prolonging their learning! Oh, Humanity… we are so funny sometimes, aren’t we? If we were embodying ourselves as spiritual beings, then we would be able to note we slowed down their progress. We would see that we fell for the ego trap that we could ever know better than someone else about themselves.

When we get in the way and divert someone from their purpose, they will have to go back to accomplish it regardless of what we think about it all. Our free will cannot interfere with others’ free will or their life plan, and so, Love, I ask you: if you are feeling frustrated about something, where are you attempting to assert your free will over another’s? Where do you think you know better than others? Dig into this part of the work, because it is in those places that we have the greatest opportunity for growth. When we note our pattern — when we catch our ego telling us we are better than others — we get to use our own free will to make different choices.

This is the path to freedom.