Sage is commonly used in healing practices to create spaces that feel sacred and protected.
The tradition of using sage for protection is often traced to the Aboriginal Peoples of North America, but there’s evidence that ancient Egyptians used sage more than 4,000 years ago. In fact, it was one of the ‘must have’ herbs in a Pharaoh’s tomb. There was no getting into the afterlife without the protection of sage.
The ancient Romans used it as well, and it is a common herb in Celtic and Druidic traditions, as well as other tribes around the world. Then and now, it’s seen as an herb to promote not only healing, but to open one to wisdom and protection.
So what is it about sage?
In the Middle Ages, when aliments and illnesses were attributed to demonic possession, sage was used to purify the body. It was common for sage to be used to reduce inflammation and provide relief for coughs, and it became a common go-to medicine for medieval healers.
In modern times, burning sage is like giving yourself an energetic shower. It releases any energies attached to you that are not your own (because remember, energy is sticky –- a lot like static cling) and clears your mind so that you are able to focus on the task at hand. It is a high-vibration plant, and as such it raises the vibration of those who experience it.
Not only is sage able to protect us energetically, it also helps us in a physical sense. Modern medicine has confirmed sage is anti-microbial, anti-viral, anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial. Such a powerful little plant!
As a Healer and Clairvoyant, I use sage in my practice to focus my attention, to protect my vibration and to clear my space –- both energetically and physically. To do this, I light a smudge stick and use a feather to gently nudge the sage smoke towards whatever or whomever I feel needs clearing. Doing this invites you to breathe deeply into your body, and as you exhale you release stagnant air trapped in your diaphragm. And with this, the energies that may be holding you back are brought to the surface so that we can accomplish the deepest release that you are capable of in the moment.
Using sage in my practice connects me to those Healers who have walked this path before me, and grounds me in the rituals and traditions of the work. As I feel connected to my Guides, my Ascended Masters and the ancestors who support me in my work, I breathe in the smoke with the intention that they are supporting the highest and best for all. I’m grateful for their shared wisdom as I walk this path.
P.S. If you feel that it’s time to sharpen your intuition then take a moment to checkout Ignite Your Intuition, an online certification program where you’ll hone and develop your intuition within the comfort of your own home. This will be the last time I offer this program in 2017 so be sure to snap up your spot before the doors close on October 19!
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