“Is this for me?”
It’s a question we all ask ourselves every time we consider trying something new.
And while I believe developing your intuition is something that anyone can (and should) do, it’s something you should seriously consider if you have ever found yourself saying one or more of the following:
1. “Why does everything happen to me?”
When we spend our life reacting to things, it can sometimes feel like everything’s always happening to you, instead of for you.
When you begin to trust your intuition, you can look at situations and see patterns that you didn’t see before, and you can begin to look for the reasons those patterns are there.
2. “I feel like I’m in a rut.”
Does it ever feel like you keep doing the same thing over and over again?
We all create patterns in our lives that support our behaviours.
But it’s quite simple: if you want something different in your life, then you have to do something different in your life.
When you find yourself in the same situation every day – ending your day on the couch watching television, or making other less healthy choices – you have to consciously make a choice to do something else, if that’s not where you want to be.
That’s where listening to your intuition comes in.
3. “If you want something done right, you have to do it yourself.”
We all need help from time to time, but all too often we let our ego tell us to be skeptical of the people around us.
Even when we need it the most, we refuse help from others because we’ve been let down in the past.
By developing your intuition, you gain confidence in your ability to allow yourself to be helped by the people around you who want you to live your best life.
4. “I can’t decide.”
When you are connected to your intuition, you are able to make decisions quickly and consistently.
This is because you begin to explore your feelings you develop trust in yourself, and following the little voice inside you that guides you to the right choice becomes easier.
5. “I make reckless decisions.”
If you have made reckless decisions in the past that cost you in some way, you may feel now that you don’t trust yourself to make decisions.
The best way to change this aspect of yourself is to start inserting three words when you describe yourself: “In the past, I have been a little reckless.”
Those three little words – in the past – signal to the Universe that you are ready and open to change.
6. “I feel forgotten.”
When you allow yourself to be helped, this creates a sense of connection, a feeling that someone else is there to help take care of you.
When you allow these moments to happen, you are honouring that inner voice that guides you.
Learning to say “thank you” during these moments reinforces your connection to the universe, and to the forces that guide you.
7. “I feel alone.”
Have you ever been in a room full of people – sometimes even people you know and love – and you feel all alone?
No one can connect with you when you aren’t connected to yourself.
P.S. If you’re looking for a fun and transformative way to connect more deeply to yourself and your intuition than check out Ignite Your Intuition, an online program to help you develop, hone and master your latent intuitive abilities. But be quick as this is the last time this year that we’re offering this program and the doors will be closing on Thursday October 19.
→ Click here to find out more about Ignite Your Intuition
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