You’ve heard people talk about “gut instincts” and “intuition” before, I’m sure. These are common phrases that people use daily when talking about situations where they “just knew” to do something.
Well, the reason these experiences are so common is because we are not alone with our thoughts. When we are born, we are partnered a spirit and this spirit guides and directs us throughout our lives. Children – who are always so connected to the other side – often call these beings their imaginary friends. As adults, we call the nudges we get inspiration, intuition and instinct, among other things. Everyone of us has these helpers, and so everyone of us can share a story where they felt guided to do something that invariably delivered the perfect result, when we saw no way to accomplish the goal.
There are many views on Spirit Guides. Some will tell you that only previously incarnated humans can take this position with us. Some will say that it’s never just one entity from the start to the end of our life. Others will say that you are partnered with one whom you have previously shared a life with. It is my belief that your Spirit Guide will simply be an entity who is currently not incarnated in any life, and they are partnered with you for the duration of your time here on Earth. They are the leaders of a larger group of beings who influence and protect you, appropriately called your Spirit Group. There are usually 7 beings in a Spirit Group, plus your Spirit Guide, making a total of 8 beings. From time to time you will interact with the other guides, who work alongside your Spirit Guide.
It is very powerful to meet your Spirit Guide; to be able to know their name and speak to them by name gives you more security in trusting your intuitions and instincts. The more you trust your connection, the stronger it becomes. And really, to do so is easier than you might think: it usually takes less than 5 minutes in a guided meditation for my clients to meet their Guide.
If you would like to meet your guide now, on your own, there are a few exercises you can lead yourself through here on this website.
Do you have a story about meeting your Spirit Guide? Share with us in the comments section, I would love to know more about you my dear Reader.
Love & Light,