I am blessed to meet many people in my work. And invariably the question comes, “What is energy, anyway?” It’s a good question, and one that I am happy to try and answer.
In physics, we understand that there are 3 states of matter: solid, liquid and gaseous. Each state of matter is comprised of cells, which we know are made up of particles. And in particle theory, we learn that the particles are moving around, banging up against the side of the cells. The primary difference between the states of matter (solid, liquid and gaseous) is the distance between the cells. That is, how close together the cells are.
Clearly, in solid matter (like people, buildings and so on) the cells are tightly together, which explains why you can’t walk through a wall. In gaseous states (like oxygen) they’re farther apart, and so we can walk through the room full of oxygen. In all cases, the particles bang around in the cells creating tiny vibrations. In a person, there are a lot of cells and a lot of particles banging around against each other, and that is your unique vibration. We call that your energy field. You may have heard it referred to as your aura, or scientifically as your biofield.
The other element that is important to understand is that thoughts are things. They are physical things, that exist in a gaseous state, and have a vibration or a resonance all their own. Scientists who have been smashing atoms, trying to understand the nature of matter have discovered that the behaviour of these particles are affected by the thoughts of the observer. That is, as the scientist is thinking, so the particle behaves.
This is an important distinction, to me. Because while I am a deeply spiritual person, I firmly believe that the work I do – energy medicine – is not faith-based healing. It is science, and it is measurable and quantifiable.
So, if you put these 2 parts together – that thoughts are things, and all of it is energy – we come to the premise that energy medicine works from. And that is, everything that exists in your body, exists in your energy field. So too, what exists in your energy field exists in your body.
In energy medicine, I am the finely tuned device that moves over your body finding the source of your pain, both physical and emotional, and I remove it. Using the training and attunements that I have received over my years of practice, across the field of energy medicine, I work with you to uncover your specific blockages, and I help you to release them so that you may move forward into the greatest potential you have set for yourself.